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Your First Day

The first day of treatment can be stressful, overwhelming, and contain many unknowns. Listed below are some of the things that will take place during your first day. Generally, your first day will consist of meeting the staff, meeting your peers, getting used to the facility, and relaxing.

  • Arrival and intake process – you will be welcomed by the Care Coordinator and encouraged to say goodbye to family / ride.
  • Identifying treatment needs – stabilization in Withdrawal Management if appropriate, or enter Residential Addiction Treatment, or Residential Supportive Treatment programs.
  • Review program agreements and complete all admission paperwork.
  • Outline of the program and daily schedule will be provided.
  • Any medications will be provided to nursing staff.
  • Luggage, laundry and infestation prevention – during this time, your luggage will be checked, and all soft items will be washed and dried. This is a preventative measure to maintain a safe and healthy facility.
  • A photo will be taken for your personal file.
  • Access to your assigned room, set up personal effects / belongings.
  • Tour of building – meet peers and staff, including your primary Addiction Therapist.
  • Relax, rest, and review the weekly schedule and resident handbook.
  • Within the first 24 hours of your stay, you will speak with our medical team to discuss your health needs and goals.
  • Remember to allow time to adjust and settle in over the first week.