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Which One Do I Choose?

Mar 13, 2017 | Lindsay Horner, PR Student

Group of students at a hockey game

For any high school student, this time of year is usually the most stressful.


What do high school students have to be stressed out about, you might ask? Well, I’m talking about the process of having to pick and apply to a college that will help any high school student with landing that dream job. With twenty-four public colleges in Ontario, this task can be pretty overwhelming.


Right now you are probably thinking, how am I supposed to narrow down my choices? There’s always that worry when starting school in September, thinking, did I pick the right college or am I in the right program?


All of these feelings and thoughts, I remember like it was yesterday. In the beginning, the overwhelming feeling of looking at all the different colleges that are in Ontario, whether it be online or through a prospective student handbook that was mailed out from the college. Then the thought of did I choose the right college come to mind? Once I started my classes, I knew that I had picked the right college.


Here’s why I found Canadore College to be the College for me:


  1. One on one time with your professors:

The one on one time with professors here at Canadore will be very helpful, especially when it comes to those assignments that you may not fully understand. Each Canadore College professor knows each of their students by name, not their student number, compared to those bigger universities and colleges.


  1. Financial aid:

The Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) is a great resource for students that are looking for a way to fund their post secondary education. There are different loans and grants that students can receive through their OSAP application, while being able to make a individualized payment plan. Throughout the academic year, Canadore offers its students different bursaries and scholarships as well! Each bursary and/or scholarship can be based on different criteria, like academic achievement, financial need, academic program and much more!

  1. Student leadership opportunities:

Whether it be through Canadore Students Council (CSC) or Residence Council, Canadore College provides its students with different leadership opportunities to participate in, while also making it a great way to enhance your resume. Students also have the opportunity to create their own co-curricular record!


  1. Student Success Services:

Canadore prides itself on having a strong Student Services department, as they always want to make sure that each and every student is able to succeed while attending College. Services that students are offered can be anything from career guidance and the co-curricular program, to mental health and wellness, and even an emergency food bank. Student Services also provides students with assistance when it comes to those who may have a disability that may need additional support when it comes to completing their education. The Student Success Services department clearly offers a wide range of services for the students of Canadore College!


Now, close to finishing the Public Relations program at Canadore, many people ask me “why Canadore College and not some popular Toronto college instead?” My response: I go to a college where the student experience, learning inside and outside of the classroom, is valued. It is an added bonus that I have had the opportunity to get to know the employees here at Canadore College.


If you happen to be a prospective student and are considering Canadore College for your future college education, you will not be disappointed!

#Student Life